Thanks to you Spanish Lake Basin situation looks hopeful.
Dear Supporter,
In the Baton Rouge Advocate today Ascension Parish President Tommy Martinez stated that “he wants to ‘work something out that will satisfy everybody’ regarding the future of the locks on Alligator Bayou and the water levels they control in Spanish Lake.” Martinez went on to say. “I think if we put our hearts together, we may be able to work something out that will satisfy everybody.”*
We are hopeful that we can work this situation out with President Martinez in a way that is protective of the vibrant ecosystem that is the Spanish Lake Basin.
I spent all day Saturday patrolling the Spanish Lake Basin in the Lower Mississippi RIVERKEEPER boat and it never fails to amaze me how amazing and full of life this area is. It is an oasis in the Greater Baton Rouge area for wading birds, ducks, deer, alligators, neo-tropical migratory birds, turtles, mink, plants and fish of all kinds (just to name a few). There was a flock of HUNDREDS of coot (poule d’eau for you Cajuns) in Spanish Lake. If the Basin were drained to the level of Bayou Manchac I am afraid that much of the time Spanish Lake would be mostly dry. What will the poule d’eau do?

It will still be vitally important for those that care about the Spanish Lake Basin to get or remain involved with the Corps of Engineers “Amite River and Tributaries, Bayou Manchac Watershed Project.” This project must give priority to the health of the ecosystem in the Spanish Lake Basin.
Thank you for all of your support.
Paul Orr
Lower Mississippi RIVERKEEPER®
* Ascension chief tries for Spanish Lake deal – Advocate, Sunday, March 29, 2009