Independent Testing Continues In Gulf
Report by: Wilma Subra
Results of sampling performed by Lower Mississippi Riverkeeper in Plaquemines Parish, LA on August 26, 2010
Along the shoreline of Southern Brenton Sound in Plaquemines Parish, LA, a soil/sediment sample was collected. The sediment sample contained 47.7 mg/kg Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Carbon Disulfide, Toluene, and 32 Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (0.039 mg/kg)
A small island at the mouth of Baptiste Collette Bayou, Plaquemines Parish, LA had a large amount of coal like material littering the beach on the shoreline and in the near shore waters. There were a lot of birds associated with an inland tidal lagoon on the island. A soil/sediment sample collected from the shoreline contained 72.7 mg/kg Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Carbon Disulfide, and 89 Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (1.46 mg/kg).
Results of aquatic organism samples taken from waters open to fishing in St. Bernard Parish, LA on August 12, 2010
Seafood from St. Bernard Parish.

Shrimp tissue samples from St. Bernard Parish, LA contained 8,356 mg/kg Petroleum Hydrocarbons and one PAH (0.017 mg/kg). Flounder and Speckle Trout from St. Bernard Parish, LA contained 21,575 mg/kg (2.16%) Petroleum Hydrocarbons. A sample of fish collected from St. Bernard Parish, LA contained 11,791 mg/kg (1.18%) Petroleum Hydrocarbons and one PAH (0.013 mg/kg). Another fish sample contained 6,028 mg/kg Petroleum Hydrocarbons.