Join Us for National Day of Action
to Ban Dispersants!
Dear GAP Supporter, Today, June 18, is a National Day of Action to Ban Dispersants. During the Deepwater Horizon disaster, BP and the federal government used nearly two million gallons of the toxic dispersant Corexit. Together, they even stated that dispersants are “as safe as Dawn dishwashing liquid.” However, thanks to whistleblowers and sound science, we know that’s not true. GAP’s investigative report, Deadly Dispersants in the Gulf: Are Public Health and Environmental Tragedies the New Norm for Oil Spill Cleanups?, details the devastating long-term effects on human health and the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem stemming from Corexit. When this product is mixed with oil, a deadly synergy occurs resulting in a mixture that is 52 times more toxic than oil alone. The only so-called advantage of Corexit is the false impression that the oil has disappeared. In reality, the mixture settles on the seafloor and spreads throughout the environment. Alarmingly, BP and the federal government intend for Corexit or other toxic dispersants to be the new cleanup standard operating procedure for future oil spills.
Take Action Now: Tell the EPA to Ban Toxic Dispersants!
GAP partnered with the Louisiana Environmental Action Network to conduct its investigation, and has teamed up withTake Part and Ultimate Civics to petition EPA to ban toxic dispersants! We have reached over one-half of our target signatures. Help us to complete our goal! Please join us today and tell EPA to ban the use of Corexit and other toxic oil dispersants and products. Take Action! How you can help:
First – Sign the petition to ban toxic dispersants here
Second – Share the petition on Facebook and Twitter
Finally – Forward alert to your friends and family
Thank you for all you do,
The Government Accountability Project
GAP’s mission is to promote corporate and government accountability by protecting whistleblowers, advancing occupational free speech, and empowering citizen activists. GAP has been the nation’s leading whistleblower protection and advocacy organization since 1977.
The Government Accountability Project
1612 K Street NW, Washington DC 20006
Copyright (C) 2013 Government Accountability Project. All rights reserved.
- bp oil spill
- dispersants
- ealert
- riverkeeper