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Results of Samples of Fish Species Collected from the Pearl River on September 22, 2011

On August 9, 2011, the Temple-Inland Bogalusa Paperboard Mill began experiencing waste water problems. The multiple effect evaporator was in an upset condition and was effecting the black liquor waste water process and the waste water treatment process. Untreated or partially treated black liquor began to be discharged from the facility into the Pearl River.…
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LMRK Investigates Massive Fish Kill in Pearl River Basin

As you may have heard the Temple-Inland Inc. paper mill in Bogalusa, LA discharged chemical laden effluent into the Pearl River late last week resulting in a fish kill. On Tuesday, August 16, 2011 Lower Mississippi Riverkeeper was contacted by Jerry Wagnon, a concerned citizen and 30 year veteran of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (retired).…
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