Blog Archives

Annie’s Journey Continues

Paul and Michael Orr of LEAN/LMRK made the trip upriver last week to drop off Annie to John Ruskey and the Mighty Quawpaws. Paul and Michael Orr of LEAN/LMRK made the trip upriver last week to drop off Annie to John Ruskey and the Mighty Quawpaws. Quapaw Canoe Company offers wilderness expeditions on the Lower Mississippi River, its Back Waters, Bayous, Oxbows, and Flood Plain between the levees.…
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Historic Flooding on the Mississippi River

As if we have not had enough disasters and catastrophes lately we are now experiencing flooding of historic proportions in the Mississippi River Basin. NOAA released new projection on Monday May 2, 2011 that predicts that the Mississippi River flood levels will exceed the levels during the Great Flood of 1927; reaching a projected highest level ever recorded in Vicksburg MS.…
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