Sampling Revisit of Southeast Pass


Follow up sampling performed by the Lower Mississippi River Keeper in the Mississippi River Delta on December 21, 2010

Wilma Subra
Subra Company

Paul Orr
Lower Mississippi River Keeper

Michael Orr
Louisiana Environmental Action Network

On August 3, 2010, and December 21, 2010, the Lower Mississippi River Keeper and Louisiana Environmental Action Network sampled soil in the Mississippi River Delta near the mouth of Southeast Pass. Soil samples were collected from the stained area at the edge of a small lagoon just behind a sandy beach area and from a cane vegetated area next to the small lagoon.

Soil from the edge of a small lagoon near the mouth of Southeast Pass:

  August 3, 2010 December 21, 2010
Oil Range Organics 779 mg/kg 600 mg/kg
Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons   1,100 mg/kg
# of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons 38 43
PAH concentration 3,934 ug/kg 12,267 ug/kg
# of PAHs exceeding Marine Sediment Screening Levels 18 17

Soil from an area growing in Roseau Cane near the small lagoon near the mouth of Southeast Pass:

  August 3, 2010 December 21, 2010
Oil Range Organics 11,600 mg/kg 503 mg/kg
Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons   2,670 mg/kg
# of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons 40 46
PAH concentration 49,269 ug/kg 12,224 ug/kg
# of PAHs exceeding Marine Sediment Screening Levels 15 22

The PAHs in the soil strongly support that the soil is contaminated with crude oil from the Deepwater Horizon.

The two areas sampled near Red Fish Bay are still heavily contaminated with crude oil components, eight months after the Deepwater Horizon incident.

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