LEAN 2013 Year in Review

LEAN 2013 Year in Review

It’s been another busy year here in the Sportsman’s Paradise. We have put together a summary of some of the work LEAN has been a part of in 2013 but first and foremost we want to say THANK YOU!

It’s been another busy year here in the Sportsman’s Paradise. We have put together a summary of some of the work LEAN has been a part of in 2013 but first and foremost we want to say THANK YOU! You are the reason LEAN is able to accomplish anything. For over 27 years, LEAN has been extremely proud to be an empowering voice for anyone and everyone interested in improving the environment in Louisiana. Thank you for making this happen. Your support is what has kept us going for almost 3 decades and it is your support that will keep LEAN thriving into 2014 and beyond. 


We work hard to maintain LEANWEB.ORG as a useful website for environmental issues facing communities across Louisiana.

LEANWEB.ORG had over 23,000 visits in 2013 with over 77,000 page views

2013 Year in Review

LEAN Services

Groups Assisted by LEAN in 2013

Presentations given by LEAN in 2013

Comments prepared in 2013

LEAN projects 


Lower Mississippi Riverkeeper

Earth Month 2013

Ongoing leak from Taylor wells

ANNIE and the Mighty Quapaws

National Response Center Reports

Major Issues LEAN worked on in 2013

Bayou Corne

BP Oil Spill



Collaborative work in 2013

The GreenARMY

Gulf Monitoring Consortium

Clean Gulf Commerce Coalition

Southern Mutual Help Association, Inc.

Together Baton Rouge

University of Texas Medical Branch

Government Accountability Project

Other work

Save Shell Beach

Legislative Monitoring 

Women Pioneers 

LEAN in the Media

LEAN Services

The foundation of LEAN’s work is to provide assistance to communities struggling with environmental challenges. LEAN offers organizational, technical, communication and media assistance to individuals and communities working to resolve environmental challenges. In 2013, Technical Advisor Wilma Subra and LEAN have had the opportunity to assist many individuals, communities and groups. In the past year, LEAN has been able to assist students from high school through graduate school as they research environmental issues. LEAN has interacted with local, national and international media on environmental and associated  human health issues.

Groups Assisted by LEAN in 2013   

Save Lake Peigneur  Group

Bayou Corne Community

Fishing communities along the coastal areas of Louisiana, Mississippi  and Alabama                                                                                 

 -Vermilion, St. Mary, Iberia, Terrebonne, Lafourche,  Plaquemine and St. Bernard Parishes in Louisiana                                                  

  -Gulfport, Biloxi and Pascagoula communities in Mississippi                        

 -Mobile Bay communities in Alabama

Crossett, Arkansas Community fighting  Georgia Pacific

Concerned Citizens of Burton Street, St. James Parish

Community of Alsen  dealing with Louisiana  Land Acquisition proposed Industrial Waste Landfill

Mossville Environmental Action Now fighting industrial facilities in their community

Community group in Houma opposing the Vanguard Injection Well facility

Citizens of Lawtell dealing with a 23 train car derailment

Sweetlake community in Cameron Parish concerned about Sasol wetland restoration plans in their community

Community Strength of Vacherie opposing Petroplex

Moreauville citizens concerned about a cement plant

Concerned Citizens of Beauregard Parish dealing with local proposed regulations to protect the environmental as a result  of Tuscalousa Shale development

Citizens of Paulina in St. James Parish opposing the Wolverine facility, a train unloading and blending facility

Citizens of Morgan City evaluating the remediation of Marine Shale

Citizens of Rayne opposing a proposed commercial injection  well facility

Southern Mutual Help Association dealing with environmental issues associated with housing development

Coalition of Concerned Citizens of Southeast Plaquemine, attempting to get the Woodson Inc. facility to stop stockpiling wooden mats and old light poles and contaminating the residential area surrounding the facility

Community in North Baton Rouge dealing with relocation away from waste water treatment plant

Concerned citizens in  North Baton Rouge in the area adjacent to Exxon Chemical Plant and Exxon Refinery

Citizens of New Orleans impacted by waste water infrastructure issues, Consent Decree of the New Orleans  Sewer and Water Board, Proposed extension of time frame for compliance

Citizens of Oakville dealing with flooding issues and  Industrial Pipe Landfill

Citizens in the area of  Sun Drilling being impacted by the water discharge from the facility

Communities in the Haynesville Shale in the Shreveport area and the Tuscalousa Shale area in central Louisiana dealing with shale development issues

Communities along the coastal areas of Louisiana  dealing with coastal restoration issues

Environmental Justice communities through out Louisiana

Presentations by LEAN in 2013

prepared by LEAN Technical Advisor Wilma Subra

January 29, 2013 – Response to Natural and Man Made Disasters Impacting Louisiana.  LSU Resilience Symposium, Response, Recovery & Resilience.   A symposium and workshop for community stakeholders, researchers and policy makers  Energy, Coast and Environmental Building, Woods Auditorium, LSU Campus, Baton Rouge, LA.

February 19, 2013.  Recommendations for Legislation, Joint Senate Natural Resources and Environmental Quality Committee and House Committee on Natural Resources and Environment Hearing,  Napoleonville Dome Sink Hole Baton Rouge, LA.

February 20, 2013.  Jefferson Island Storage & Hub Coastal Use Permit Public Hearing.  Comments on the Coastal Use Permit and Directive by the Office of Conservation concerning salt dome cavern locations.  Hearing conducted by the Office of Coastal Management, Department of Natural Resources,  New Iberia, LA.

February 22, 2013.   Tulane Summit on Environmental Law and Policy, Bayou  Corne Sinkhole Napoleonville Salt Dome Assumption Parish, LA.  New Orleans, LA.

February 22, 2013.   NIEHS Deepwater Horizon Research Consortium Annual Meeting, CBPR In Action, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.  GC-HARMS Community Partners, New Orleans, LA.

March 16, 2013.  Health Impacts Experienced by Crossett Community Members as a Result of Being Exposed to Toxic Chemicals Released into the air by the Georgia Pacific Crossett Plywood/Stud Mill Complex in Crossett, Arkansas.  Sponsored by Ouachita Riverkeeper and concerned Citizens of Crossett.  Living World Church of God in Christ, Crossett, Arkansas.

March 18, 2013.  Bayou Corne Situation, Senate Committee on Natural Resources, Senate Committee on Environmental Quality, House Committee on Natural Resources and Environment.  Hearing on the status of the response  activities and findings in and around the Bayou Corne Community and the Napoleonville Salt Dome, Baton Rouge, LA. 

March 25, 2013.   Health and Economic Impacts of Toxic Exposure Caused by the Deepwater Horizon BP Disaster.  Gulf Gathering, Camp Beckwith, Weeks Bay, Alabama.  

April 8, 2013.  RISK Associated with the BP Deepwater Horizon Disaster.  Gulf Coast Health Alliance:  Health Risks Related to the Macondo Spill, University of Texas Medical Branch.  Community Outreach dissemination core meeting on dissemination of Seafood Sampling Results and Evaluation of Risk.  Louisiana Environmental Action Network,  Baton Rouge, LA.

April 12, 2013. The Gulf Coast Fund For Community Renewal and Ecological Health and Bridge the Gulf present – Gulf Coast Community Concerns and Voices Series.  Bodies in Crisis:  The Continuing Health Impacts of Human Exposure to BP’s Toxic Oil and Dispersant Mix

May 7, 2013.  Concerned Citizens of Burton Street.  Accumulation of Data along Burton Street to Justify Relocation.  Welcome Center, St. James, LA.

May 29, 2013.  GC-HARMS Fin Fish Workshop, CEEJ, Biloxi, MS.

May 29, 2013.  GC-HARMS Fin Fish Workshop, Alabama Fisheries Cooperative, Coden, Alabama.

June 20, 2013.  EPA Environmental Justice Training Workshop – Environmental Challenges Region-Wide Trends, Needs and Recommendations.  Petrochemical Communities.  Hotel Blue, Albuquerque, NM.

July 3, 2013.  Environmental Health Disparities and Environmental Justice Meeting, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.   Conflicts over Research That Identifies Community Impacts of Environmental Exposure,  Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.   

August 3, 2013.  Bayou Corne One Year Anniversary of the Development of the Sink Hole.  Health and Safety Issues Associated with the Sink Hole Event in Bayou Corne,  First Anniversary of the Formation of the Bayou Corne Sink Hole, Bayou Corne, Assumption Parish.

August 22, 2013. Bayou Corne Sinkhole Event and Associated Environmental and Health Impacts, The Hole Truth, The Story of the Bayou Corne Sink Hole,  2013 Summer Lecture Series, Lambeth House, New Orleans.

August 26, 2013.  Energy Production and Climate Impacts in the Gulf Coast Region, Kresque Presentation.

September 18, 2013.  Whistleblowing and the Environment: From Climate Change to the Gulf Oil Spill,  West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia.

September 26, 2013.  EPA Region 6 Environmental Justice Community Training Workshop. Living with Toxins, Petrochemical Plants, Landfills and Industrial Facilities.  Renaissance Arts Hotel, New Orleans, LA.

September 30, 2013.  The Energy Coast Along the Northern Gulf of Mexico and Environmental and Health Impacts of the Fossil Fuel Industry in the Northern Gulf of Mexico,  Environmental Grant Makers Association  Fall Retreat, New Orleans, LA.

October 11, 2013.  Leadership Forum.  Environmental Threats in Louisiana as a Result of the Oil and Gas Industry.  New Orleans, LA.

October 15, 2013. Response to Natural and Man Made Disasters Impacting  Louisiana,  2013 Superfund Research Program Annual Meeting, Communication Strategies for Stronger Connections with Communities, NGOs, and Public Agencies, Hilton Center, Baton Rouge, LA.

November 26, 2013.  Testimony on Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation Proposed Rules on Salt Cavern Solution Mining Wells and  Hydrocarbon Storage Wells, Statewide Order 29-M-3 and 29-M(Revision 3),  Baton  Rouge, LA.

Presentations for Public Hearings prepared for LEAN in 2013

March 12, 2013 Exxon Mobil  Chemical Company, Part 70 Permit Modification and Renewal Permit Application for the Aromatic Production Unit.  Louisiana Department  of Environmental Quality Air Permit Public Hearing, Baton  Rouge, LA.

August 2013  Louisiana Land Acquisition, Brooklawn Disposal Industrial Waste Landfill.  Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Solid Waste Permit Application Public Hearing.  Baton Rouge, LA.

Public Comments prepared by LEAN in 2013

March 2013  CGB Marine Services, Water Discharge Permit for Barge Cleaning and Repair Facility

March 2013 United States Maritime Services, Inc. Water Discharge Permit for a Ship and  Barge Hole Cleaning Operation

May 2013 EPA National River and Stream Assessments Draft Report

July 2013 Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council’s Draft Initial Comprehensive Plan

December 2013  MG Midstreaming, Corps of Engineers permit application

December 2013 CE FLNG LNG facility in Venice, FERC Scoping Comment Period

June-July 2013  Bayou Corne Briefing for EPA on behalf of LEAN  in order to inform the EPA of the conditions in Bayou Corne

LEAN Projects: 



Back in 2008, LEAN helped accomplished writer and filmmaker Jon Bowermaster make a film entitled SoLA: Louisiana Water Stories.

In the past year, 2013, we have built an online extension of that film at sola2050.org.

SOLA2050.org aims to create an engaging multi-media online resource that documents the stories of individuals in South Louisiana as they relate to the environment through video, photography and maps.

Special thanks goes to the Blue Moon Fund for their generous support of this work.

In 2014 we are expanding sola2050.org to be a platform for other local filmmakers, writers and photographers to tell insightful, educational and inspiring environmental stories from South Louisiana. Click here to contact us about submitting a video. 

We are also in the process of developing a new and exciting feature film with Jon Bowermaster, to be shot in 2014, so stay tuned!

Lower Mississippi Riverkeeper (LMRK)


The Lower Mississippi Riverkeeper(LMRK) is a project of the Louisiana Environmental Action Network (LEAN) focused on improving the water quality of the lower Mississippi River as it flows through Louisiana and into the Gulf of Mexico. LEAN’s Riverkeeper program was created in the early 1990s to educate and empower citizens to improve the water quality of the Mississippi River in Louisiana. In 2001, LEAN’s Riverkeeper program became an official member of the international Waterkeeper Alliance and has been licensed as the Lower Mississippi Riverkeeper (LMRK) for the past 12 years. During this time, the Lower Mississippi Riverkeeper has been focused on monitoring the lower Mississippi River Basin throughout Louisiana, documenting incidents of pollution and working to improve the water quality of the Mississippi River Basin and Gulf of Mexico.

LMRK’s work includes conducting water patrols, satellite monitoring (with partner SkyTruth), aerial surveillance (courtesy of partner SouthWings), and documenting pollution. LMRK’s extensive photographic documentation is published online here. FLICKR

LMRK initiatives in 2013:

Earth Month 2013

LMRK has been proud to be an official Earth Month Partner for many years. AVEDA’s Earth Month is a powerful international campaign focused on water issues. LMRK continued our productive partnership with AVEDA and Neil Corporation in 2013 to promote clean water initiatives around the globe. AVEDA’s 2013 Earth Month raised over 5 million dollars for clean water work globally.

Ongoing leak at Taylor wells

In 2012, LEAN, LMRK and Waterkeeper Alliance, along with the Atchafalaya Basinkeeper, Louisiana Bayoukeeper, Galveston Baykeeper and Apalachicola Riverkeeper filed a lawsuit against Taylor Energy Co. LLC for Clean Water Act violations from an ongoing oil leak that began in 2004. In 2013 this lawsuit has moved forward as the judge denied Taylor Energy Co’s  Motion to dismiss and the group of organizations has filed an addition FOIA lawsuit seeking information from the U. S. Coast Guard that it has previously denied in regards to the Taylor Energy wells. 

 read more here:

Judge Denies Taylor Energy Motion to Dismiss Clean Water Act Violations Suit

FOIA Lawsuit Filed After US Coast Guard Denies Information on Ongoing Taylor Energy Oil Leak in the Gulf

ANNIE and the Mighty Quapaws

In 2009, LMRK helped adventurer and filmmaker create a documentary about traveling down the Mississippi River in a wooden York boat. That wooden York boat, Annie, was donated to LMRK and has been used to connect people to the beautiful waterways of south Louisiana. In 2013, LMRK has loaned ANNIE to our good friend John Ruskey and his Mighty Quapaw Apprenticeship program in Clarksdale, MS. Annie is hard at work ferrying river explorers along the mighty Mississippi.

read more here:

Annie’s Journey Continues

National Response Center reports

This past year, LMRK began compiling and publishing monthly summaries of the National Response Center (NRC) incidents reported along the Mississippi River industrial corridor. These reports document only a portion of the accidental releases and have that a reportable incident occurs almost every day along the Mississippi River industrial corridor in south Louisiana.

View them here.

NRC Round-ups

Major Issues LEAN worked on in 2013

Bayou Corne

Perhaps the biggest story in 2013 has continued to be the 26+ acre sinkhole in Bayou Corne. For over a year, LEAN has worked to assist the Bayou Corne community as they navigate through this unprecedented disaster. 2013 saw the beginning of the relocation process for many residents. LEAN worked to develop and support the passing of House Bill 493 and House Bill 494 in the 2013 Legislative session. LEAN has assisted with news coverage from NPR, Mother Jones, the New York Times and Newsweek. This sinkhole continues to be an on-going situation as not all residents have relocated or resolved their claims with Texas Brine and the sinkhole itself continues to degrade. Seismic activity has continued in the area recently and a back-up plan is being developed in case the containment berm surrounding the sinkhole also sinks. 

read more here:

Bayou Corne on leanweb.org

BP Oil Spill (still!)

Over three years later and the BP Oil Spill is still an ongoing problem. Oil and tarballs continue to appear of beaches and in marshes across the coast of Louisiana. LEAN’s work continued to address the environmental and human health impacts of this disaster. Our work with the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) and the Government Accountability Project (GAP) is a good example of our recent efforts.

Marine Pollution Bulletin

In July 2013, LEAN technical advisor Wilma Subra, along with LEAN members, Steve Kolian and Scott Porter were co-authors of a scientific paper discussing the extent of hydrocarbon contamination in sediment, seawater, biota and seafood during/after the BP Oil disaster. The paper was published in the Marine Pollution Bulletin and is entitled: Distribution and concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons associated with the BP/Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Gulf of Mexico. Lead author for this paper is Dr. Paul W. Sammarco.

read more here:

LEAN Members and Technical Advisor Publish Scientific Paper About BP Spill Contamination


The “Gulf Coast Health Alliance: Health Risks Related to the Macondo Spill” 

(GC-HARMS) research project seeks to characterize health impacts and community resiliency factors related to the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster. GC-HARMS is a network of community and university partners led by the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) and funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). GC-HARMS collaborating members include: LEAN, UTMB, Louisiana State University, Texas A&M University, University of Pennsylvania, United Houma Nation, Bayou Interfaith Shared Community Organizing, Mississippi Coalition of Vietnamese Fisherfolk & Families, Center for Environmental & Economic Justice, and Alabama Fisheries Cooperative. In 2013, the GC-HARMS project continued to collect and analyze seafood samples and develop risk assessments for petrogenic hydrocarbons present in Gulf samples. LEAN conducted training session for sample collection, hosted coalition meetings and worked to design and publish communication tools for the project. Currently GC-HARMS is collecting human blood samples to analyze in 2014. 

read more here:

GC-HARMS update September 2013

Government Accountability Project

On April 19, 2013, Government Accountability Project (GAP) released Deadly Dispersants in the Gulf: Are Public Health and Environmental Tragedies the New Norm for Oil Spill Cleanups? The report details the devastating long-term effects on human health and the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem stemming from BP and the federal government’s widespread use of the dispersant Corexit in response to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. LEAN began partnering with GAP in 2011 and continues to partner in advocating for the discontinued use of Corexit in future oil spill clean-up responses.

read more here:


LEAN worked to support GAP and their online petition to Ban Corexit that received over 7,200 signatures.

see the petition here:


In april 2013, LEAN, with the support of GAP and many other organizations, wrote a letter to the Federal Government calling on various agencies to address the health crisis in the Gulf.

read more here:

3 Years After the BP SPill and We Are Still Sick

Collaborative work in 2013

The GreenARMY 

The end of 2013 has seen an increased momentum and growing solidarity among groups working for the protection of Louisiana’s people and environment. This movement has been spear-headed by retired Lt. General Russell Honore. General Honore’s Green Army is a loose coalition of organizations focused addressing the environmental challenges that faces Louisiana’s communities. LEAN first became involved with the Green Army after voicing support of the South Louisiana Flood Authority -East lawsuit against 97 oil and gas companies. 

LEAN has hosted a meeting of the Green Army and promoted the initiatives recently on LPB with General Honore and Sandy Rosenthal of levees.org. In 2014, the Green Army is working to hold a Water Festival in downtown Baton Rouge to unify citizens around the protection of Louisiana’s water resources. 

read more here:

A Green Army isForming

The Green Army Invades LPB

Gulf Monitoring Consortium

LEAN / Lower Mississippi Riverkeeper (as an official Waterkeeper Alliance organization) is a founding members of the Gulf Monitoring consortium (GMC). Current members of the GMC are: Gulf Restoration Network, Louisiana Bucket Brigade, SkyTruth, SouthWings and Waterkeeper Alliance. LMRK’s monitoring work and NRC round-ups contribute to the mission of the GMC. Pictures from LMRK’s monitoring efforts in 2013 can be seen here:

GMC website: www.gulfmonitor.org

Clean Gulf Commerce Coalition

LEAN / LMRK have been a contributing member to the Clean Gulf Commerce coalition (CGCC) in 2013. CGCC is a group on non-profit organizations working to stop polluting industries from further degrading the land, air and water of Gulf communities. The coalition currently consists of Gulf Restoration Network, Air Alliance Houston, Louisiana Bucket Brigade, Environmental Integrity Project and LEAN. In 2013 the coalition has been focused on preventing and reducing the impacts of coal related activities along the Gulf.  

CGCC website: cleangulfcommercecoalition.org

Southern Mutual Help Association, Inc.

Southern Mutual Help Association,Inc. (SMHA) has a long and impressive history of work in Louisiana. SMHA is focused on finding fair and innovative solutions to challenged and distressed rural communities whose livelihoods are interdependent with our land and waters. LEAN and SMHA have naturally become partners in working for the struggling people and communities of Louisiana. LEAN has been fortunate to learn a great deal from our partnership with such a well developed and experienced organization. In 2013, LEAN has partnered with SMHA and specifically  Life Quality Director Helen Vinton to assist with her work focused on traditional family fishers in coastal Louisiana. 

SMHA’s website: www.southernmutualhelp.org

Together Baton Rouge

LEAN has always looked at environmental problems in a holistic sense. LEAN is proud to have become an active member of Together Baton Rouge in 2013. Together Baton Rouge is a broad-based coalition of institutions in the Greater Baton Rouge area. We have three basic goals:

1. to build relationships across our community based on trust and a willingness to listen to each other; 2. to equip our members and leadership with skills and practices to get results; 3. to achieve change on concrete issues, as part of our common call to justice. Together Baton Rouge is actively addresses many of the most important issues that face Baton Rouge and Louisiana.

Together Baton Rouge website: www.togetherbr.org

University of Texas – Medical Branch (UTMB) 

see BP Oil Spill, GC-HARMS

Government Accountability Project

see BP Oil Spill, Government Accountability Project

Other notable work:

Save Shell Beach 2013

LEAN was proud to assist in the 2nd annual Save Shell Beach fundraiser. This fundraising effort has been the result of the work of Edward Trent Robinson and raised over $20,000 in 2013. The fundraiser consisted of a benefit concert and silent auction at the Howlin Wolf in New Orleans, LA. Proceeds are being applied to assist the culturally and economically critical fishing industry in Louisiana.

read more here:

Save Shell Beach 2013

Legislative Monitoring

Every year, LEAN’s two tireless legislative monitors, Kathy R. Wascom and Barbara Dodds, volunteer their time to keep an eye on the legislative session and the bills that impact the environment of Louisiana. 2013 was another active year for legislation and LEAN worked hard to make sure the Louisiana Legislature was focused on protecting Louisiana’s unique environment and communities. 

LEAN’s 2013 Legislative Preview

LEAN was proud to assist in the development and support of Legislation related to salt domes, and the prevention of disasters such as the Bayou Corne sinkhole. Both House Bill 493 and 494 were passed in the 2013 Legislative session. 

LEAN was also written into an newly formed committee by an act of the 2013 Legislature:

Louisiana Legislature


Acts 265 – 330


Women Pioneers

This year, Peggy Frankland published her book: Women Pioneers of the Louisiana Environmental Movement. LEAN was proud to host an evening celebrating the extraordinary women chronicled in Peggy’s book.

Read more here:

What True Environmental Heroes Look Like

Buy the book here: 


LEAN in the Media

We consider communication a large part of our work at LEAN. We have been fortunate to build a reputation as an informed and accurate source of information when it comes to environmental issues in Louisiana. In 2013, LEAN has worked with journalists and news outlets from all over Louisiana and across the globe. Here is a selection of articles from 2013 that LEAN contributed to or is mentioned in:



What BP Doesn’t Want You to Know About the 2010 Gulf Spill

Apr 22, 2013 4:45 AM EDT

The 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill was even worse than BP wanted us to know.

Mark Hertsgaard

The Sinkhole That’s Eating Louisiana

December 17, 2013 2:10 PM

Alexander Nazaryan

The Advocate


Suit filed over proposed injection well


January 13, 2013

Sinkhole seismic event studied


January 21, 2013

Council OKs Scotlandville relocation plan


January 24, 2013

Website discusses La. environment


January 25, 2013

Hearing set on Exxon plant proposal


February 13, 2013

Some Acadiana residents fear potential for sinkhole ‘disaster’


February 22, 2013

Environmental groups sue Coast Guard


March 06, 2013

Landrieu: BP restrictions set bad precedent


March 07, 2013

Program seeks to reduce release of pollutants and improve safety at plants


March 11, 2013

ExxonMobil expansion debated


March 13, 2013

EBR seeking extension on sewage improvement


March 24, 2013

Battle over Lake Peigneur heads to court


April 19, 2013

Inside Report: Louisiana lawmakers ponder salt dome regulation


May 09, 2013

PSC to revisit “Energy efficiency” program


May 22, 2013

Book delves into women’s efforts for the environment


May 26, 2013

Petrochemical ties deep in Ascension


June 26, 2013

Area west of Mississippi River added to impaired waters list


July 31, 2013

Honoré: ‘People will not sit by’

Displaced residents mark one year


August 04, 2013

Closure of battery recycling plant in north BR a cause of concern Environmental impact of battery recycling plant questioned


 August 05, 2013

One year later: Bayou Corne sinkhole still a mystery

Residents spend year watching, waiting, worrying


August 08, 2013

Environmental groups look at pollution from refineries post-Hurricane Isaac


August 14, 2013

ExxonMobil fined by DEQ for June 14, 2012 pollution release

ExxonMobil agrees to pay $2.3 million


August 24, 2013

DNR OKs permit for coal export terminal in Plaquemines Parish


September 01, 2013

Louisiana volunteers to be recognized for environmental work


September 11, 2013

EPA operating investigative division in BR


November 19, 2013

Published Letters to the Editor from LEAN

Letter: LEAN backs coastal lawsuit

September 06, 2013

Letter: Get involved in PSC energy vote

June 30, 2013

Letter: Management isn’t enough

APRIL 11, 2013

Los Angeles Times

A strong voice in Louisiana’s Cancer Alley

Wilma Subra, a diminutive grandmother, has long challenged the corporate polluters in one of the nation’s most toxic regions.



Aug. 27, 2013

The Times Picayune

East Baton Rouge Metro Council approves $6 million settlement

By Sheila V Kumar, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

on January 23, 2013 at 8:17 PM, updated January 23, 2013 at 8:47 PM

River Birch landfill can take oil and gas drilling waste, DEQ says; environmental expert concerned

By Manuel Torres, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune. 

on January 24, 2013 at 6:19 PM, updated February 02, 2013 at 4:55 PM

ExxonMobil, public discuss pros and cons of chemical plant expansion at public hearing

By Lauren McGaughy, NOLA.com | The Times Picayune 

on March 12, 2013 at 11:37 PM, updated March 14, 2013 at 8:53 AM

East Baton Rouge Parish inches forward with sewage plant settlement

By Sheila V Kumar, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

on March 21, 2013 at 3:50 PM

Watchdog group reports health problems from dispersant use during BP oil spill

By Bruce Alpert, NOLA.com | Times-Picayune 

on April 19, 2013 at 11:36 AM, updated April 20, 2013 at 6:30 PM

Environmental groups file suit over Public Service Commission vote on energy-efficiency program

By Richard Thompson, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

on April 22, 2013 at 4:39 PM, updated April 22, 2013 at 5:17 PM

Louisiana Public Service Commission to revisit vote halting energy-efficiency program

By Richard Thompson, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

on May 21, 2013 at 5:25 PM, updated May 21, 2013 at 5:42 PM


Florida Boulevard construction continues, I-10 completion getting closer: BRakelights

By Diana Samuels, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

on May 28, 2013 at 6:00 AM, updated May 28, 2013 at 6:09 AM

Taylor Energy oil platform, destroyed in 2004 during Hurricane Ivan, is still leaking in Gulf

By Mark Schleifstein, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

on July 01, 2013 at 7:05 AM, updated July 01, 2013 at 9:57 AM

Environmental groups’ lawsuit to stop flow from failed Taylor Energy platform cleared for trial

By Mark Schleifstein, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

on July 23, 2013 at 10:40 AM, updated July 23, 2013 at 11:30 AM

Tulane in New Orleans gets $1 million grant to develop dispersants for clean up of oil spill: Uptown Line

By Jessie Lingenfelter, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune 

on July 25, 2013 at 7:38 AM, updated July 25, 2013 at 7:39 AM



Three industrial accidents in past week cause safety concerns

Posted on June 18, 2013 at 6:19 PM

Updated Tuesday, Jun 18 at 6:21 PM

Paul Murphy / Eyewitness News

Residents angry as Assumption sinkhole continues collapsing

Posted on February 25, 2013 at 11:31 PM

Updated Tuesday, Feb 26 at 2:46 PM

Katie Moore / Eyewitness News

The Teche News

Waterkeepers’ Air War

by Ken Grissom

August 29, 2013

The Lens

Major green groups keeping mum on flood authority lawsuit opposed by Jindal

By Bob Marshall, Staff writer    

August 13, 2013 

The Washington Spectator

Cleanup or Cover-up? What BP and the EPA Did to the Gulf 

July 1, 2013  |  by Shanna Devine

Climate Science Watch

Corexit: Deadly Dispersant in Oil Spill Cleanup

Posted on April 19, 2013 

“Inside Story” on BP’s use of Corexit to “clean up” Gulf oil blowout disaster

Posted on April 26, 2013

Al Jazeera

The ‘mess’ that oil made

We discuss the aftermath of the Gulf of Mexico cleanup and how the US government remains divided over Keystone XL.

Inside Story Americas Last Modified: 27 Apr 2013 09:57

Al Jazeera America

Watch: In Louisiana’s ‘Cancer Alley,’ huge sinkhole creates more concerns

by Jordan Flaherty SEP 12, 2013



Massive Sinkhole In Louisiana Baffles Officials


March 20, 2013

Chicago Tribune

1 dead, 77 hurt in Louisiana chemical plant blast

June 13, 2013|By Molly Hennessy-Fiske | Tribune Newspapers

Fierce Energy


Environmental groups challenge Louisiana energy-efficiency ruling

April 24, 2013 | By Travis Mitchell

The Wall Street Journal

Physicians Interactive, Health eVillages to Support Community Health Centers in Rural Louisiana

April 23, 2013

The Daily Advertiser

Group Sues DNR to stop gas storage at Peigneur

April 17, 2013


La. Bubbling salt dome lake victims sue DNR

April 17, 2013

Louisiana sinkhole strange happenings

March 22, 2013

KATC Lafayette News

Lake Peignuer Group Sues Department of Natural Resources

April 17, 2013

The Center for Public Integrity


Louisiana sinkhole shatters calm, prompts buyouts on the bayou

April 15, 2013

by Ronnie Greene



Study Says Crossett Residents Sickened by GP Chemicals

March 20, 2013



Coast Guard Accused of COvering up Oil Spill

March 6, 2013

by Daniel Wilson

  • LEAN
  • wilma subra
  • marylee orr
  • sinkhole
  • bp oil spill
  • riverkeeper
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