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2014 Louisiana Legislative Introduction

The 2014 Legislative session is an extremely important session for the environmental future of Louisiana. The 2014 Legislative session is an extremely important session for the environmental future of Louisiana. This session will see an abundance of legislation that deals with the damage done to the environment from oil and gas exploration and development. Most notably, the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority- East as well as Plaquemines and Jefferson Parish have filed lawsuits against oil and gas companies in an effort to have the companies remediate and restore areas they have impacted.  Oil and gas companies, through their legislative allies, have responded with legislation that removes the ability of local entities to file lawsuits and force restoration. Though many of the bills seem to deal with legal issues, the impact would result in the continued damage to the environment and loss of local efforts to enforce environmental regulations. LEAN opposes any legislation that undermines environmental responsibility and restoration.  In other environmental issues of interest, proactive legislation that deals with abandoned oil and gas wells, salt domes and salt dome storage, and water regulations has been introduced this session.…
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