Food Drive for the Fishermen

Donate Below - Food Drive for Fisherman Baner

LMRK Food Drive for the Fisherman - Thanksgiving DeliveryThe Louisiana Environmental Action Network and the Lower Mississippi RIVERKEEPER hold the family fishermen of Louisiana in the highest regard. They achieve in life what many strive for. Self sufficiency, independence, harmony with nature all while putting food on the familiy table.

The BP Drilling Disaster has taken all of that away from them. Extreme hardship, mounting financial debt and questionable health from chemical exposure has jeopardized an entire way of life.

During this season of giving we are asking for people to make a small contribution of either canned goods or a monetary gift that will go directly towards food and personal care products for the fishermen and their families. This time of year is especially difficult, let us give them hope and nourishment.

Make a tax-deductable donation

If you live in Baton Rouge, you can drop off canned goods at:
Paris Parker Salon
Perkins Rowe
10202 Perkins Rowe
Suite E110
Baton Rouge, LA 70810

or call
1-866-msriver (1-866-677-4837)


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